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breakout 2
option 1

Rebeckah Ellinghuysen, MA


Motivational Gifts

In this session we will explore motivational gifts as listed in Romans 12:4-8. Rebeckah will focus on how God’s design for each individual motivates our loving service to others.  When we serve out of duty, tradition, or obligation, it can feel like serving from a leaking bucket. This service can leave us feeling drained or used up. When we serve within our strengths, we are filled up as we pour out. This time of learning will include an inventory to help participants discover their unique design by our Creator.

My Story

Rebeckah Ellinghuysen, MA was raised in an Evangelical Christian church and earned a Bachelor's in Theology and Master's in Clinical Counseling from a Christian Bible college and seminary. She served overseas as a missionary to the West Bank of Israel and Dominican Republic, returning stateside in 2007. Rebeckah transplanted into the WELS in 2009. She spent several years working for community-based programs in Wisconsin and Minnesota, as a family therapist, mental health practitioner, and home visitor, serving at-risk families and youth involved with Child Protective Services. In 2017, she stepped away from this intense work due to her health. Rebeckah has served St. John's of Lewiston since 2018; she works remotely doing bookkeeping and HR.


Rebeckah is married to Alex; they have three sons, one daughter-in-love, and a newborn granddaughter.

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